As most of you may know I've gone on an ice-cream eating spree, much to the disapproval of Prudy, but she's probably just jealous that she got the basement in my eight-person house. I've had ice-cream for 19 days in a row, and counting... To be honest, out of morbid curiosity, I want to see how long I can go without getting sick of my favourite icy confection. I give myself three months.
My ice cream has ranged from the icy...

To the creamy...

To the ones with cheesecake on the side.

The latest addition to my range of ice cream, however, has really taken the cake. No pun intended.
Let's put it this way. When you tear its cover open, you see this yellow pointy thing that's just calling your name... You bite down, hard, and this yellow fluid spills out all over your tongue and into your throat.

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