Sunday, July 6, 2014

lmao I sometimes wonder whether this is actually a trigger for me. Then I remember what happened to me has happened to almost every girl or dfab person I know especially the ones I met in New York City and I don't know why this hit me so badly but I think I might?? Have been triggered?? And I think I'm overreacting and sometimes I wonder whether the whole incident was all in my head and whether I may?? Be trying to make myself?? The victim or something I don't know but either way what happened today set off something in me it's like a slow burn that has come to a peak and I can't sleep and I want to puke and I need to go out tomorrow but I don't think I can I feel gross I want to puke and I just want a hug and I don't I can't I can't i can't I can't why is this hitting me so hard it happens to EVERYONE

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