Monday, March 16, 2009

Because reality is like hair. You can twist it, style it, curl it until it's reached that volume of perfection. You can chop it short when it suits you or leave it out to grow. You have to water it just often enough so that it doesn't get greasy, but not so much that it becomes dry. You can colour it and dye it back but you have to expect people to notice the sudden change.

But if you pull too hard at it, it will break.

Well, what did you know? I got my hair cut today. You probably won't notice much of a change, and my hair's all wet in the photo because I'm going to study while waiting for it to dry, but if you look closely... For the first time in my life, my hair isn't centre-parted. I have a side-swept fringe, something I'd told myself I'd get a while back but I was worried I'd look dumb in.... I think I look the same. Haha.

A better look for those of you that didn't notice the change in the earlier photo- but then again, I'm sure you won't be interested in the workings of the currently-wet-hair of a not-so-pretty IB student.

Yes, I am unleashing my inner bimbo. Just like Jasryn. You proud of me, Sifu?

I think I'll go talk about breaking nails now.

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