Sunday, May 27, 2012

i don't know if we'll have as much in common when this is all over, or if we'll still be able to talk. i hope so, definitely, but we'll be going in different directions and soon may come a time when there's nothing in common any more except the past. it's inevitable that this will happen to some of your friends; it always does. but it doesn't matter, because you're amazing now. and will always continue to be amazing, even if it's in a different way. thank you guys, so much- really, you have no idea how much all of this has meant to me. even if things change and we drift apart, you'll always be dear to me because of the sense of study-solidarity, though we were never exactly emotionally close if you get my drift. the only thing about studying and exams that i'll ever miss was the sense of togetherness, even if it was us all feeling screwed! you'll always be my girls <3

three days left, three exams to go. let's do this shit.

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