Thursday, May 24, 2012


Let it be known that I have amazing friends, people who laugh with me and cry with me and light me up when I'm down.

Yesterday and today were absolutely perfect in every single way, despite the fact that I had to study for exams- amazing gift art from some of the best artists and coolest people I know, Lex coming down to see me despite the fact that she has exams too. Hanging out with a friend from uni and the boy I swear she's going to marry some day, and then I come home to a package from Kalyn that I got to open right on the dot of midnight, complete with calligraphy inks and parchment. Sleep, then dim sum with Lex and my housemate, a study session where my friend didn't know it was my birthday but gave me cake (chocolate! With chocolate icing! Knife would have been proud) and where we finished the fucking syllabus. We're going to kick this exam's ass. Then a steak dinner with cocktails and free champagne on the house because it was my birthday, and my housemate and I took the wrong bus home and had to walk back in high heels for fifteen minutes, and my feet are dying and I carried a massive laptop around all day and I'm about ready to collapse, this is probably just one giant run-on sentence but fuck everything, I feel amazing, life is amazing and the one thing that could have been icing on the cake didn't happen but it's okay, it might happen tomorrow or the day after anyway but honestly




I'm just that happy, all tired and blissfully satisfied with everything that's going on, and it's just good days like this that make me feel like I should put everything into perspective, and focus on what's most important which is me and my happiness, and the little things that make me feel this good. Back to the grindstone tomorrow, but let me relish in the moments where I'm just happy to be me, and who and where I am.

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