Monday, November 3, 2008

"Some people say that true freedom is having nothing left to lose. They say that you can't release your inhibitions, give everything up, fling caution to the wind unless you've lost all sense of belonging, all sense of what it is to feel. Unless you've been so broken, so battered that you've lost all ability to care.

I say screw that notion. Freedom is when you've got the rest of eternity in front of you, the very strings of time dangling in your face, the tendrils of life and everything that came with it before your eyes to manipulate, to toy with at your own will. The world becomes your oyster, almost literally, and slowly, as the lights start to dim on and the walls start to fade, you find that the sky, which you always thought was the extent of freedom and expression, was never enough.

The sky is the limit? I'm sure."

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